Published papers

Lorenzo, F., Cvikic, L., Llinares, A., De Boer, M., Adadan, E., Arias-Hermoso, R., Ćaleta, M., Demirkol Orak, S., Evnitskaya, N., Glasnović Gracin, D., Granados, A., Guzmán-Alcón, I., Kasprzak, M., Lehesvuori, S., Miloshevska, L., Özdemir, H., Piacentini, V., del Pozo, E., Roquet, H., Bagalová, D., & Ting, T. 2024. 'Assessing disciplinary literacy with CEFR descriptors: History, Mathematics and Science'. A paper by CLILNetLE Working Group 2. V1. PHAIDRA repository, University of Vienna. DOI:

Roquet, H., Soto-Corominas, A., Segura, M., Navarro, N., Elif, Y. 2024. 'Aprendizaje de idiomas en la escuela: ¿mejor cuanto más temprano?', The Conversation. 

Soto-Corominas, A., Segura, M., Roquet, H., Navarro, N., Elif, Y. 2024. 'Third language English performance at the onset of schooling: Effects of bilingualism and exposure in Catalan-Spanish bilingual children' in E. Puig-Mayenco (ed): International Journal of Multilingualism. DOI: (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Roquet, H., Navarro, N., Nicolás, F. 2024. 'The impact of adjunct instruction on EFL academic writing at university', Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 12 (2): 162-191. DOI: (JCR SSCI Q3, SCIMAGO Q1).

Soto-Corominas, A., Roquet, H., Segura, M. 2023. 'The effects of CLIL and sources of individual differences on receptive and productive EFL skills at the onset of primary school', Applied Linguistics, 45 (2): 364-382. DOI: SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Segura, M., Barón, J., Roquet, H. 2022. 'Productive vocabulary learning in pre-primary education through soft-CLIL', Open Linguistics, 8 (1): 297-327. DOI: 10.1515/opli-2022-0194. (JCR SSCI Q3, SCIMAGO Q1). 

Roquet, H., Vraciu, A., Nicolás, F., Pérez-Vidal, C. 2022 (2020 online). 'Adjunct instruction in higher education: Examining the effects on English foreign language proficiency', International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25 (4): 1377-1398. DOI:10.1080/13670050.2020.1765967. (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Segura, M., Roquet, H., Barón, J. 2021. 'Receptive vocabulary acquisition in pre-primary education through soft-content and language integrated learning', English Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 14 (10): 1-22. DOI:10.5539/elt.v14n10p1. (CARHUS Plus+).

Segura, M., Roquet, H., Pérez-Vidal, C. 2021. 'The effects of a CLIL programme on linguistic progress at two different points in time', Journal of Language and Education, 7 (1): 171-189. DOI: 10.17323/jle.2021.10981 (SCIMAGO Q2).

Barón, J., Roquet, H., Evnitskaya, N., Navarro, N. 2020. 'Pragmatics in teacher talk: The case of pre-primary education', English Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 13 (8): 168-177. DOI: 10.5539/elt.v13n8p168. (SCIMAGO Q2).

Navarro, N., Roquet, H. 2020. 'Linking or delinking of ideas? The use of adversative linking adverbials by advanced EFL learners', Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, RESLA, 33 (2): 505-535. (JCR SSCI Q4, SCIMAGO Q2).

Artieda, G., Roquet, H., Nicolás, F. 2020 (2017 online). The impact of age and exposure on English as a foreign language (EFL) achievement in two learning contexts: formal instruction (FI) and FI + content and language integrated learning (CLIL), International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23 (4): 449-472. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1373059. (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Roquet, H. and Pérez-Vidal, C. 2017 (2015 online). Do productive skills improve in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) contexts? The case of writing, Applied Linguistics, 38 (4): 489-511. DOI: 10.1093/applin/amv050. (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Roquet, H., Llopis, J. and Pérez-Vidal, C. 2016 (2015 online). Does gender have an impact on the potential benefits learners may achieve in two contexts compared: FI and FI+CLIL?', International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19 (4): 370-386. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2014.992389. (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Pérez-Vidal, C. and Roquet, H. 2015. The linguistic impact of a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) Science programme: An analysis measuring relative gainsin M.P. García Mayo (ed): Learning Language and Content Through Tasks: Exploring the Interfaces, System, 54: 80-89. (JCR SSCI Q1, SCIMAGO Q1).

Pérez-Vidal, C., Escobar, C. and Roquet, H. 2013. ‘Perspectives sobre l’aprenentatge de llengües i multilingüisme', article divulgatiu al Butlletí Informatiu del Col·legi de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya, 14: 4-5.

Roquet, H. 2011. A study of the acquisition of English as a foreign language: Integrating content and language in mainstream education in Barcelona. Doctoral Dissertation. TDX Tesis en Xarxa.


Roquet, H. 2011. Integrating content and language in mainstream education in Barcelona. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrücken: Deutschland.


Book chapters and Proceedings


Pérez-Vidal, C. and Roquet, H. 2023. 'Multilingualism and Education' in J. Cabrelli, A. Chaouch-Orozco, J. González Alonso, S. Pereira Soares, E. Puig-Mayenco, J. Rothman (eds): The Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition. (pp. 295-316). DOI: 10.1017/9781108957823. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-1-108-83242-7.

Antoniou, M., Carlet, A., and Roquet, H. 2023. 'Greek University Students’ Perceptions of Project-Based Learning: Insights on the Development of L2 Vocabulary and L2 Grammar as well as the Enhancement of Motivation and Social Skills through PBL', in V. Argyroulis & M. Batsila (eds): Proceedings of 1st International Conference on ESP, EAP & Applied Linguistics. (pp. 27–35). University Publications of Thessaly, ISBN: 978-960-9439-89-3.

Roquet, H., Vraciu, A., Nicolás, F. 2019.The effect of amount of exposure to English medium instruction programmes in higher education: The case of morphosyntaxin L. Marqués-Pascual and A. Cortijo-Ocaña (eds): Second and Third Language Acquisition in Bilingual Contexts. (pp. 69-106). Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, ISBN: 978-1-58871-338-4.

Pérez-Vidal, C. and Roquet, H. 2015. CLIL in context: Profiling language abilities in M. Juan-Garau and J. Salazar-Noguera (eds): Content-Based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments. (pp. 237-254). Berlin: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-11495-8.

Pérez-Vidal, C. and Roquet, H. 2012. ‘A study of the acquisition of English as a foreign language: Integrating content and language in mainstream education in Barcelona’, TRICLIL Proceedings. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Valls-Ferrer, M., Roquet, H. and Pérez-Vidal, C. 2010. ‘The effect of practice in different contexts of language acquisition: Contrasting FI, SA and CBLC’ in M. R. Caballero and M.J. Pinar (eds): Ways and Modes of Human Communication. (2: pp. 219-228). Castilla La Mancha: Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.

Roquet, H. and Pérez-Vidal, C. 2008. La lectura bilingüe: factor esencial para la adquisición de la competencia escrita en una tercera lengua, in R. Monroy and A. Sánchez (eds): 25 Years of Applied Linguistics in Spain: Milestones and Challenges. (pp. 163-170). Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.

Roquet, H. and Pérez-Vidal, C. 2007. ‘Bilingual reading: An essential factor for the acquisition of written competence in a third language’, in S. Van Daele, A. Housen, F. Kuiken, M. Pierrard and I. Vedder (eds): Complexity, Fluency and Accuracy in Second Language Use, Learning and Teaching. (pp. 183-193). Brussels: The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.